Officers 2022

Meet the Team! Heading link
President: Nara Im

Help is on the way, Dear!
Gaming, (If you don’t see a concole or a mouse in my hands, chances are it’s a book instead!
Navy Blue and Chocolates!
Vice President : Sabrina Ng

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, what do we do we swim!.
Cross stitching and baking or cooking!
Sage green and pasta!
Treasurer : Yumna Anarwala

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
I love drawing, painting, reading memoirs , and creating fashion.
Forest green and icecream!
Secretary and Senior Advisor: Michelle Alice Chavez

People are often affraid of things that sound new.
I like the outdoors, camping, traveling, hiking and I make music!
Fall colors and tacos!
Project Manager : Steven Ha

Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
I love cooking and gaming, more so than sleeping, maybe.
Blue and all types of food because its hard to decide.
Robotics Captain : Sebastian Soto-Lara

When you’re in the midst of your own suffering, its easy to convice yourself you’re no good, but we are all tested in this life. The measure of a man is not how much he suffers in the test, but how he comes out at the end
– Neal Shusterman
I do heavy weightlifting and play Dungeon & Dragons.
Green and bistec con arroz ey fijoles.
Co Robotics Captain : Bindu Mukundappa

Work hard, have fun, and make history. -Jeff Bezos
I love exploring different streets and new restaurants.
Back and sushi!
Senior Advisor - Robotics Captain : Justin Merchan

If you can kick the person in the pants responsible for the most of your trouble, you couldn’t sit for a month. – Theodore Roosevelt
I make music and good vibes.
Dark blue and encebollados!
Webmaster : Nathan Manabat

Take advantage of what your environment gives you
I play volleyball and piano
Sunset orange and steak!