IEEEXtreme HACKATHON October 24 2020

What is IEEEXtreme?
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members – advised and proctored by an IEEE member, and often supported by an IEEE Student Branch – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
Eligibility to register for the competition:
- Students must compete in teams of 3 students and can have a maximum of 2 graduate students
- All team members must be IEEE National members
- Each member from your team must have a laptop with an internet connection
- Team members must complete the challenges without outside assistance
OR if you already have a team but need membership sponsorship or need a proctor? Use our Google Form Sign-Up!
This sign-up form is meant to help interested students find teams, get membership sponsorship, and/or find a proctor. This is NOT to officially register for the competition. Once we receive their information, we will contact them shortly after with further guidance on how to proceed.
Important Dates: October 12th is the last day to sign-up on our form and to register for the competition on the official IEEE international’s website. And that the competition will take place Oct. 24th.
For more info please go to:
If you have any questions to please contact us!